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Portal da UFC Acesso a informação da UFC Ouvidoria Conteúdo disponível em: PortuguêsEnglishEspañol

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Pesca

Área do conteúdo


The main mission is to contribute to the sustainable regional development of Northeast Brazil, significantly advancing the education and training of teachers, researchers, and specialized professionals to meet the increasing demands of the national and international fishing sector.

This mission aligns with the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) of UFC in the training of highly qualified professionals, generation and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge, and preservation of ethical, scientific, artistic, and cultural values. Thus, the PPGEP plays a role as a contributing element to the development of society through knowledge generated by science.

PDI UFC (2018-2022) https://www.ufc.br/a-universidade/documentos-oficiais/313-plano-de-desenvolvimento-institucional-pdi

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