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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Pesca

Área do conteúdo

Study Regime

Master’s and PhD students work on a full-time basis under the guidance of a faculty member affiliated with the Program, who also serves as their dissertation/thesis advisor. Study plans are developed based on the student’s prior preparation, aligned with their interests and the objectives of the Graduate Program.

In addition to research activities, students follow a regular schedule of classes in disciplines deemed essential to the Program’s concentration areas, as well as related fields.

The Master’s program in Fisheries Engineering spans a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 30 months, while the PhD program spans a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 48 months.

The Master’s program in Fisheries Engineering requires a minimum of 24 credits in coursework and 6 credits for the dissertation, whereas the PhD program requires a minimum of 48 credits in coursework and 12 credits for the thesis.

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