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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Pesca

Área do conteúdo

Research Lines

  • Aquaculture:
    Aims to develop knowledge of innovative techniques for cultivating marine and freshwater aquatic organisms, as well as to address issues related to aquaculture such as diseases affecting cultivated species. It also promotes and develops technologies aimed at sustainable production of aquatic organisms.

    Fishery Resources and Environment:
    Focuses on studies aimed at ensuring the exploitation of existing fish stocks through sustainable economic, environmental, and social management.


    Fishery Technology and Microbiology:
    Addresses aspects related to the processing and preservation of fish, analysis and development of techniques to improve the quality and shelf life of captured or cultivated fish, and new biotechnological approaches to enhance aquaculture and aquatic environments. It involves the development of new products based on aquatic organisms.


    Biotechnology and Genetics of Aquatic Organisms:
    Involves the application of biotechnology and genetics to aquatic species that constitute fishery or aquaculture resources.

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