PPGEP Documents
Graduate Regulations at UFC (Resolution No. 17 / CEPE, of 4/12/2015)
PPGEP – Normas Complementares – 2018
Monthly frequency – models
Grant implementation documentation
Reports – templates
Teaching internship
Preview for Dissertation and Thesis Defenses
Diploma Issuance
The diploma issuance request is made by the student themselves and directed to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, facilitated by the program’s coordination. The issuance process takes between 90 (ninety) to 120 (one hundred twenty) days.
Required Documentation
- Copy of undergraduate diploma (for master’s degree);
- Copy of master’s diploma (for doctoral degree);
- Copy of ID (RG) and CPF (Brazilian tax ID);
- Proof of clearance from the University Library (“no outstanding debts”).
Below is a detailed step-by-step procedure for diploma issuance:
- Once the final version of the dissertation/thesis is ready, the student must obtain the cataloging form from the University Library’s Creation Module (Catalog!);
- Next, the student should email the final version of the work to the program’s coordination, including the cataloging form and approval sheet. Await confirmation from the coordination that the dissertation/thesis has been registered in the library’s database;
- After confirmation from the coordination that the dissertation/thesis has been deposited, the student must request proof of clearance (“no outstanding debts”) online via Pergamum* (Loan >> Clearance Declaration) or at the University Library’s service desk;
- Finally, the student must email the specified documentation above to the coordination.
The request will be forwarded to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies and can be tracked on the PRPPG website, using the protocol number generated by the program’s coordination and sent via email. From this point onward, the applicant should directly liaise with PRPPG.
*If not registered in the library system, contact comunicacao.bu@ufc.br, stating the situation and providing proof of affiliation with UFC and a photo ID.
Legal Basis
Articles 37 to 39 of the General Rules of Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs.